Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sewing for little people

I decided that since I'm at the sewing machine so often, and the boys are always so curious, I would let them have a go.  Well, as can be expected, they are in love.  Now Conley thinks he can make anything he wants!  Tents, toys, monsters, etc.  The first sewing endeavor I let them undertake was the little snowmen that are pictured at the top.  They each took turns sitting on my lap working the machine.  I let them do everything except for use the pedal.  I taught them how to control the fabric, place the needle in the down position, lift the foot, lower the foot, sew in the reverse, you get the idea.  The second project we made were "monsters".  Conley told me what he wanted them to look like, so we went from there.  He wanted triangle monsters with legs.  Both projects are filled with beans that I have sitting in my pantry (does that count as food storage rotation?) and there are no measurements,  I just cut out some shapes from some felt and made it work.  The faces are glued on.  I had to keep it super simple for the boys.  They love throwing and kicking these things around.

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