Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So today while browsing pinterest, my oldest son saw the grover hand puppet I saved under my craft section.  He got super excited and asked if we could make "Super Grover"!  He was beside himself with excitement, so I shut the computer down and away we went to construct a super grover.  He and Parker both made one.  I did the cutting, and sewing and they placed the face on and what have you.  Mostly it was me who made them, just due to the fact that they're both too young to sew, cut evenly and use a hot glue gun, but I let them participate as much as little boys their age can.  I quickly cut the body out and let them pick out their eyeballs, and nose.  I put a dab of glue in the correct spots for them and they put the pieces of the face and logo on.  It was so cute to see them fly their super grovers around the house.  If you want to make one go here for the tutorial: http://www.makeandtakes.com/crafty-grover-hand-puppet  I just did the logo and cape of my own accord using felt for the logo and cape, and ribbon for the tie of the cape.  Nothing fancy, I just glued the ribbon along the top of the cape then tied the front and glued it in place. I would upload a pattern of them if I knew how to, but I don't.  Don't worry though, it's not hard.  If I can do it, anyone can!

I also made an Elmo.  Super simple and super cute.  That's what I'm talking about.

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