I LOVE making these as baby shower presents. They are perfect for that (in my opinion of course). If you're interested in making your own set, go here for the tutorial: http://obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com/2009/09/3-little-pigs-finger-puppets-tutorial.html
As you can see, the set I've made here differs from the original set. I wanted to make it more personalized according to my taste. If you're interested in doing things similar to how I did them, here's what you'll need:
3 pieces of hard based paper (ie. card stock, card board from cereal box, or whatever you can find around the house)
Three 8"x11" White felt*
One 8"x11" Yellow felt
One 8"x11" Deep red felt
One 8"x11" Brown felt
Craft sticks (popsicle type sticks)/optional
Hot glue gun (only if using craft sticks)
Coordinating thread
Fabric glue (optional)
* You should be able to find normal cuts like this in stacks at places like Wal-Mart.
I apologize in advance if any of my instructions don't make sense due to the fact that I failed to take pictures of the process. I didn't intend on posting this originally.
1. Cut three houses out of the white felt.
2. Cut the yellow felt into long skinny strips (for the house made of straw)
3. Cut the red felt into little rectangles (for the house made of brick)
4. Cut the brown felt into long, fat strips (for the wood house)
5. Place the cut yellow felt ontop of one of the white houses. While holding it in place, sew it onto the house or glue it in place if using fabric glue. Don't worry about cutting pieces to fit the cut of the house such as the window, door or outline, just sew it on.
6. Cut the excess felt off that is hanging over the house. Cut the felt out of the window and door. (repeat steps 5-6 for each house)
7. Place the completed house on top of your hard paper and sew along the outter edge of the house, window and door.
8. Cut house off of hard paper. Cut window and door out.
9. If using a craft stick, place some hot gule on it and glue it onto the back of the house, leaving enough of the handle sticking out the bottom for use as a handle. (repeat steps 7-9 for all houses)
For my wolves eyes, all I used was black thread and a hand held needle and I sewed a big "X". I repeated sewing the shape until it was dark enough for my liking.
Now all you need is to purchase a copy of the actual story in book form and you have a completed gift! You could also find a printable version of the story online and deck it out all cute and crafty like if that's what you're into. LOVE IT!
Thanks so much to http://obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com/ for posting such a cute project!!! Check her site out. She is awesome!
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